Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zieyyyyy study larrrrrr

Sem ni sangat menyedihkan bagi zie...sedih sebab zie rasa macam zie dah ditinggalkan oleh pelajaran jauh kat belakang...terlalu banyak benda yang perlu di ulang kaji tapi terus tertangguh...ape nak jadi ni zie? Kuatkan semangat!!!Kejayaan bukan milik orang yang lemah... Selagi mana Allah masih beri nafas kat kita dan selagi mana matahari tak terbit dari barat selagi itulah tiada istilah GIVE UP...

sekadar permandangan dalam kelas...Subject Islamic Law of Property

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bermula my 3rd year study...

My lovely AIKOL
Kini zie dah masuk tahun ketiga study laws di IIUM. Perjalanan masih jauh. Ya terlalu jauh. masih ada 3 tahun lagi temasuk tahun ni kerana study zie akan habis pada April 2012. Lama kan? Ziey wat double degree so terpaksa spend 5 tahun kat Aikol(Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of laws). Apa yang zie harapkan takde la yang tersangkut. Alhamdulillah sepanjang belajar tak ada yang tersangkut just nak dapat A agak susah. Tapi zie pasti kalau zie rajin,InsyaAllah Allah akan tolong.

Minggu pertama bagi sem ni tak banyak beza dengan sem2 sebelum ni. Ramai students yang masih terkejar2 nak register manually. Dah jadi kebiasaan ramai yang tak dapat nak register semua subject masa pre-registration atas sebab2 tertentu. Mujur la zie sempat register semua 7 subject termasuk satu skill. Sem ni agak ringan dari sem lepas kerana credit hour zie esm ni juz 18.5 berbanding sem lepas 21.5. tapi subjects sem ni agak menakutkan. Biasalah semakin tinggi belajar makin susah. Sem ni zie ambik Law of Equity 1, Land Law 1, Usul Fiqh 3, Islamic Law Of Property, Company Law 1 and Public International Law 1. Manakala skill zie ambik Counselling.

Alhamdulillah setakat ni semua lacturer dah masuk class melainkan lacturer untuk Company Law yang postponed class ke minggu depan.

Lacturers sem ni pun best2 and yang paling best ialah ust Syafaai yang ajar usul fiqh. Beliau merupakan ustaz yang ajar usul fiqh 1 zie so ni kira kesinambungan dulu la.harap2 sem ni dapat duit raya plak.hehehe. Tahun lepas beliau bagi RM10 sorang untuk semua students dalam class tu. lacturers lain kebanyakannya kelakar dan sempoi so taklah tension belajar.

Azam ziey tahun ni ziey nak dapat A untuk semua subjects...hehehehe tinggi bdetul citer2... InsyaAllah....

Lepas Mock Trial Sem 3 08/09

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

lawyer yg Islamic?

Peguam, bila dengar je kerjaya peguam orang mesti pandang serong. Ada yg kata peguam plg ramai masuk neraka, ada pulak yg kata peguam career yg plg bahaya, xkurang jugak yg kata peguam ni ramai penipu…
Sedih bila dengar orang kata mcm tu seolah2 teruk sangat career sebagai peguam dimata diorang… Bagi aku sape2 pun boleh masuk neraka, sape pun boleh jadi penipu. It depends on the person himself. Setiap kerjaya ada bahayanya dan setiap kerjaya blh heret seseorg tu keneraka… how? Juz imagine seorg guru masuk kekelas lalu suruh student wat kerja sendiri sambil beliau siapkan kerja beliau. Ingat x salah ke tu? Berdosa gak sbb guru tadi x menunaikan amanah yg diberi dan pd masa yg sama menafikan hak pelajar tadi untuk belajar kerana itu masa yg diperuntukkan utk belajar bukan duduk relax.kerja guru perlu dibuat waktu lain bkn dlm class waktu mengajar. So guru tadi jugak akan dipersoal di akhirat kelak. Contoh lain, seorang businessman yang terlibat dgn perniagaan besar, dlm proses mendapatkan keuntungan diorg sanggup lakukan apa saja, menipu, riba, jatuhkan lawan n mcm2. Semua tu psti dipersoal…Mungkin sbb byk kes2 peguam yg pecah amanah or tipu duit client so org terus wat conclusion mcm tu. Aku x nafikan peguam mmg terdedah dgn semua tu tapi x adil la kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga…
Aku sokong peguam bkn sbb aku nk jadi peguam tapi sbb aku rasa aku perlu betulkan persepsi negative org terhadap kerjaya peguam… sebenarnya apa pentingnya peguam? Peguam fungsiny adalah membantu mahkamah dlm membuat keputusan terhadap sesuatu kes dgn cara membela clientnya. Peguam la yg akan mengemukakan segala bukti pd mahkamah bg membolehkan hakim membuat keputusan krn mustahil segala tugas pembuktian diletak pd hakim semata. kalau dilihat dari segi sejarah sahabat nabi SAW yg plg hebat dlm bidang kepeguaman ialah saidina Ali dimana terdapat byk kes saidina Ali menjadi pembela kepada pesalah ketika kes2 dihadapkan kepada Saidina Umar yg ketika itu ialah seorang hakim.
Antara contohnya ketika seorg wanita dtg kepada saidina Umar dan mengaku beliau telah berzina dan Saidina Umar hampir menjatuhkan hukuman sebat 100 kali kepada beliau dan Saidina Ali akhirnya menjadi ‘peguam’ wanita tersebut dan menyeledik punca wanita tersebut berzina dan puncanya ialah ketika itu waktu kebuluran dansukar mendapatkan air, wanita tadi telah merentas gurun utk mendapatkan air lalu dia betemu dgn seorg pemuda yg membawa segelas susu. Setelah dipujuk untuk mendapatkan susu tersebut lelaki tadi bersetuju dgn syarat wanita tadi haruslah berzina dgn nya terlebih dahulu. Lalu wanita tadi berzina dan berjaya meminum susu tersebut. Kerana hal itu saidina Umar membatalkan hukumannya yg pertama atas sbb wanita terbabit melakukannya atas sbb darurat.
Jadi kita blh lihat disini pentingnya seorg peguam dlm prosess mendapatkan keputusan yg adil… apapun halnya, setiap peguam didunia ini yg memegang title sorang muslim or muslimah perlulah barsifat dgn sifat yg digariskan oleh syariat dan semoga peguam, businessman, doctor, guru dan segala bentu career yang dipegang oleh seorg yg bergelar muslim mampu menjadi model kepada org bkn Islam… InsyaAllah…

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

National Council For Local Government

The role, composition and power of National Council on local government.

Ø Federal constitution also provides the power to the state government on matter pertaining to local government which stated under item no 4 of the List 2 under Ninth Schedule.

Ø But at the same time Federal Constitution also give power to the parliament to enact law on local government. It is provided under article 76 (4) which not only give the power for the government to enact law on land matters but also any matters on local government.
Ø Local government is the lowest level in the system of government in Malaysia after federal and state.

Ø Article 95A contains provision on National Council for Local Government which clause 1 says about the members of the council and it same like members of National Council on land.

Ø Clause 5 states about the role and function of the council which is to formulate from time to time in consultation with the federal government and the state governments a national policy for the promotion, development and control of local government throughout the federation and the administration of any law relating thereto.

Ø The Local Government has the power to collect taxes (in the form of assessment tax), to create laws and rules (in the form of by-laws) and to grant licenses and permits for any area of jurisdiction, in addition to providing basic amenities, collecting and managing waste and garbage as well as planning and developing the area under its jurisdiction.

Ø Examples of laws enacted by parliament relating to local government are Local Government Act 1976, Town and Rural Planning Act1976 and Drain, Road and Building Act1974.

National Land Council

1) The role, composition, power of National Council on land

Item no 2 of the List 2under the Ninth Schedule provides that the state government has power pertaining on land matters.

However there are certain exception which provides that the parliament has given a power to legislate law on land matters in all states except Sabah and Sarawak which stated under article 76 (4).

In addition, Article 91 of the Federal Constitution provides the explanation on National land Council which inter alia;

i. The members of National land Council which are: Minister as chairman, one representative from each of the states (who shall be appointed by the Ruler of the state) and no more than ten representatives of the federal government.

ii. The role: to formulate from time to time in consultation with the federal government, state government and the National Finance Council a national policy for the promotion and control of the utilization of land throughout the federation for mining, agriculture, forestry or for any other purpose , and for the administration any laws relating thereto.The federal government or the state government of any state may consult the National Land Council in respect of any other matter relating to the utilization of land or in respect of any propose legislation dealing with land or of any administration of any such law, and it shall be the duty of the council to advise the government on any such matters.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Article 11 of the Federal Constitution

Article 11 of the Federal Constitution provides the freedom of religion and it contains the freedom to profess, practice and propagate his religion. But we should bear in mind that the right to propagate his religion is subject to clause 4 of the article which states that State law and in respect of federal territories, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among person professing the religion of Islam. It means that no person can propagate muslim to convert to other religions but at the same time muslim can propagate non-muslim to convert to Islam and non- muslim can propagate others except muslim to convert to their religion.

The special position of Islam has been discussed in the controversial case of Lina Joy v Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan & Anor [2004] 6 CLJ when Faiza Tamby Chik J said that: “article 11 grants every person the freedom to profess and practice his religion. However in respect of an act of conversion out of Islam, the same must be subject to the relevant syariah laws to be determined by Syariah courts. Freedom of religion under article 11 must be read together with article 3(1) which places Islam in a special position as the main and dominant religion of the Federation, with the Federation duty bound to protect, defend and promote Islam”.

In the case, the learned judge dismissed her application to marry a Christian man, to change her name from Azlina Binti Jailani to lina Joy and to remove the word ‘Islam’ on her identity card. Her appeal to Federal Court also has been dismissed.

In some other case like Minister of Home Affairs, Malaysia v Jamaluddin Bin Othman [1989]1 MLJ 368, the court seems not give decision on favor of Muslim when it was held that the police could not detain a Malay who was had allegedly converted to Christianity and preached it as it was against the provision of religious freedom under article 11. The judge in this case although appreciate the position of Islam in Federation but at the same time not prepared to impose any punishment to a Muslim who has converted.

On the issue of whether all citizen includes a minor have right to choose his religion, the answer can be seen in the case of Re Susie Teoh[1986] 2 MLJ 228. Abdul Malik J before the High Court said that: “ I can find no definition of ‘person’ either in the Federal Constitution nor in the Interpretation and General Clause Ordinance 1948 which govern it and I must conclude that this applies to every person irrespective of age … I decide for herself in the exercise of her constitutional to profess and practice her chosen religion.”

In Re Susie Teoh, the minor was 17 years old when she ran away from home and converted to Islam. Unfortunately the decision was overturned on appeal to the Supreme Court.
The right under freedom of religion is also subject to clause 5 of the article when it provides that the article does not authorize any act contrary to any general, law relating to public order, public health or morality. Means that a person can profess, practice and propagate his religion as long as his act does not contrary to law on public order, public health and morality.

In Hjh Halimatussaadiah Bt Hj Kamaruddin v Public Services Commission Malaysia & Anor [1994] 3 MLJ 61, the court held that public order under clause 5 put the limit on the right to religious freedom. The case is about a lady public servant who was dismissed from her office after refusing to comply with a service circular which prohibiting lady public servant from wearing ‘purdah’ during office hours. The court contended that the act of wearing purdah during office hours may cause unsafe situation to public since a criminal may take advantage on it to cause harm.

Contrary to it, in the case of Meor Atiqurrahman Bin Ishak & anor v Fatimah Bt Sihi & anor [2000] 5 MLJ 375, the court held to the favor of the plaintiff and allowed students wearing ‘turban’ at school. The ratio is the act of wearing ‘turban’ was not against public order since it did not cover face so no harm may be cause by wearing it. This decision was not only applicable to Muslim since Sikh believers also wearing such thing.

It indicates that people are given right on religious matters but at the same time restrictions are provided in order to maintain the harmonious situation among people from different religions and beliefs. At the end it is up to the court to use their power on protecting all the liberties under fundamental liberties provisions or just follow whatever passed by parliament. On the absent of a proper interpretation of the provision by court, the fundamental liberties will no more become the right of people but ill will be the burden for people.

Article 10 of Federal Constitution

Article 10 which provides provision on freedom of speech, assembly and association is one of articles contain in Part 2 Fundamental Liberties. Article 10(1) state about the right of every citizen on speech and expression, assembly peaceably and without arms and the right to form associations. This provision is subject to clauses (2), (3) and (4) of the article.

Although the article gives freedom to the citizen in speech but it also provides some other limitations as in clause (2) where the parliament may impose law on the right in order to give restriction as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof, friendly relations with other countries, public order or morality and restriction designed to protect the privileges of parliament or of any legislative assembly or to provide against contempt of court, defamation or incitement of any offence.

It shows that this article not merely contains the right of the citizen but more on the obligation of the citizen since there are many limitation provided. A person cannot simply speak out whatever he wants because his right to speech is subject to clause (2). This seems contrary to the draft of constitution contained in Reid Commission Report where it put the duty on courts to protect fundamental liberties provision by taking a critical view of the law restricting fundamental liberties and not just to put into effect any law passed by parliament. In Madhavan Nair v Public Prosecutor [1975] 2 MLJ 265, the accused has contravened a condition annexed to the grant a license to make a speech. The condition was: “…the substance of the speech should not touch on matters relating to the M.C.E (Malayan Certificate Examination, the school leaving certificate examination in which it was necessary to obtain a pass in Malay in order to obtain a certificate) result and the status of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language as laid down in Federal Constitution.” The issue in the High Court was whether the act of imposing a condition on the said license is contravened Article 10? Chang Min Tat J in his judgement said that the police could not impose any condition which contrary to the article and he added that no law power, statutory or otherwise can be exercised so as to contravene any article of the constitution. The judgement was influenced by Sedition Act 1948 and clause 4 0f article 10. In other case of Public Prosecutor v Ooi Kee Saik [1971] Raja Azlan Shah J said “in my view the right to speech ceases at the point where it come within the mischief of … the Sedition Act.”
While article 10(1)(b) gives the right to citizen to assemble peaceably and without arms. Like under clause (a), this right also subject to clause (2), (3) and (4). Does it means any kind of assembly and gathering which is done peacefully is lawful or may a peace assembly be considered unlawful just because there is other law restricts that assembly? In Chai Choon Hon v Ketua Police Daerah Kampar [1986]2 MLJ 203, the peaceful assembly was restricted by Police Act 1967. In that case the act restricted on the number of speakers and the court held that the restriction was void as it was unreasonable.
Looking at same ground, can a peaceful demonstration be done by citizen who disagrees to any government policy? For example what has been done during ‘BERSIH’ assembly on 2008 and ‘ANTI PPMSI’ on 2009. On what basis police has right to prevent the people from holding such assembly? If the police argued that the place was not suitable since it was held in a crowded place so is it will be lawful if it was held in countryside? And if police argued that it will bring harm to the public, on what extent it may cause since the people bring no weapon. So what law used by police to restrict such assembly? So the restriction should be considered as unconstitutional. In contrary, the assembly held by Hindraf on 2008 should be restricted as it against article 10(1)(b) because the Hindraf members when held the assembly has bad intention and also may cause harm to public as they bring dangerous weapons and used criminal force to public servants on duty.

Other right provided under article 10 is the right to association. This article also seems not bring much benefit to the citizen since court itself confused on the extent of the right given to people in association. In the case of Malaysian Bar & Anor v Government of Malaysia [1986] 2 MLJ 225, Harun J held that article 10(1) (c) does not give any right to any citizen to manage association but just the right to form it.

The issue comes to mind is who are given this right? Is this right given to all people regardless their status and age? Can law be biased by giving certain restriction on particular person only for example in University and University Colleges Act 1971 which contain provision restricting university students from involving in political parties? Or is political parties are excluded from the meaning of association? So it seems the provision under the Act is unreasonable. Not only that, although article 10 has given right to the citizen to association but in most universities and colleges, students need to wait for a long time just to form an association. It shows that the right is does not function properly.

Those three rights under article 10 are so important since it becomes the basic of the doctrine of democratic country. From the freedom of speech, assembly and association, the people of the country may express their opinion on important matters of the country especially what are related to their rights and obligation. The court should function and use their power to help people and not just interpret the law in favor of the parliament.

Monday, June 1, 2009


-Keadilan sebagai satu konsep terpenting dalam Islam.
-Maksud keadilan mengikut Kamus Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka:
Adil: 1) jujur,lurus, tak memihak mana-mana pihak.
2) sepatutnya, selayaknya, sewajarnya
3) saksama, tak berat sebelah
4) benar
Keadilan: 1) pengertian, taakul, kebolehan befikir dengan bijak, pertimbangan dengan teliti, kesaksamaan.
2) kebenaran
-Autoriti dari:
Al Quran: An-Nahl:90 “Sesungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu berlaku adil dan membuat kebaikan”
As sunnah: Rasulullah bersabda sebagaimana katanya: “Sekiranya Fatimah Binti Muhammad mencuri, akan aku potong tangannya.”

Aspek-aspek Keadilan dalam Islam


Islam sangat-sangat menyuruh pemimpin berlaku adil terhadap rakyat yang dipimpin mereka tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan jantina. Orang bukan Islam yang bermastautin di Negara Islam wajib dipelihara darah dan hartanya sebagaimana orang Islam.
Harta kekayaan Negara juga wajib dibahagikan kepada semua rakyat tidak kira muslim atau tidak.


Hukuman Hudud

Konsep keadilan dalam jenayah hudud bukan saja memihak kepada mangsa jenayah tapi juga kepada penjenayah.

1) Jenayah mencuri.
Kepada mangsa: haknya terbela dan bagi bakal-bakal mangsa, hukuman potong tangan penjenayah boleh menenangkan hati bakal-bakal mangsa kerana penjenayah tidak akan melakukan jenayah tersebut lagi.

Kepada penjenayah: hukuman hanya boleh dijatuhkan sekiranya jenayah yang dilakukan memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk disabitkan dengan jenayah tersebut. Misalnya barang yang dicuri mencapai had nilai tertentu dan barang yang dicuru diambil dari tempat simpanan.

2)-Jenayah berzina.

Kepada penjenayah:
-terdapat syarat-syarat yang agak ketat sebelum seorang penzina boleh disabitkan kesalahan zina antara syarat-syarat tersebut adalah mestilah ada 4 orang saksi yang melihat dengan jelas perbuatan tersebut dilakukan tanpa ada ragu sedikit pun.
-Allah membezakan hukuman antara penzina yang sudah berkahwin dengan penzina yang masih bujang.

3)-Jenayah menuduh wanita suci berzina
Kepada mangsa: Islam menjaga maruah mangsa dan bakal mangsa dengan cara menghukum orang yang menyebar fitnah tanpa bukti.

4) Jenayah murtad.
Kepada penjenayah: Orang yang murtad diberi peluang secukupnya untuk kembali kepada Islam dengan cara mewajibkan proses pentarbiahan kembali orang yang murtad tersebut.

5) Jenayah memberontak.
Kepada penjenayah: Orang yang memerangi Negara juga diberi kesempatan untuk menjelaskan sebab utama mereka bertindak demikian.

6) jenayah merompak dijalanan.
hukuman untuk jenyah ini berbeza mengikut jenayah yang dilakukan dalam proses merompak.

7) Jenayah minum arak
Kepada Penjenayah: Sesetengah ulama’ berpendapat bahawa walaupun mulut peminum berbau arak tetapi tiada saksi yang melihat dia minum arak, dia tidak boleh dijatuhkan hukuman.

Hukuman Qisas -bunuh

Ø Keluarga mangsa akan mendapat pampasan (diyah) sekiranya jenayah tersebut dilakukan secara tidak sengaja atau tanpa niat atau apabila keluarga mangsa memaafkan penjenayah tersebut.

Hukuman Ta’zir

> Walaupun ada hukuman dibawah hudud dan qisas namun masih terdapat banyak jenayah yang memerlukan kuasa hakim untuk memutuskan hukuman.

Prosidur pensabitan kesalahan.

Dalam Islam, hanya penjenayah yang benar-benar dibuktikan bersalah sahaja yang akan dihukum. Penjenayah juga dibenar membela diri.

Undang-undang Faraid dan Wasiat

Dalam pembahagian harta pusaka, waris lelaki akan mendapat nisbah yang lebih besar iaitu 2/3 berbanding waris perempuan yang hanya mendapat 1/3.
Sebab utama adalah kerana lelaki memikul tanggungjawab yang lebih besar berbanding wanita.
Dalam undang-undang wasiat, Islam menetapkan had nilai harta yang boleh diwasiatkan iaitu hanya 1/3 daripada harta keseluruhan. Ini bagi menjaga hak waris yang masih hidup.

Undang-undang Keluarga Islam

Dalam undang-undang keluarga Islam, suami diberi hak untuk melafazkan talak, namun begitu isteri juga diberi hak untuk memohon cerai dengan cara tebus talak, ta’liq atau fasakh.


Islam menetapkan had aurat bagi wanita dan lelak bagi memelihara maruah dan bagi menjaga keharmonian sejagat.
Islam juga menggariskan had pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan bagi tujuan yang sama.